Friday, February 24, 2012

What if?

Recently, the Holy Spirit has really led me to challenge my team to make sure that we come to our services expecting and prepared for what God is going to do. Psalms 100:4 says, “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.” (NIV) Too many times we enter his gates with distraction and his courts with complacency. I can remember when Gracey was just a newborn and we were lucky just to get in our pew before the first song was over. It took us both another few minutes to get settled and to smile and nod at those around us and then by the time we actually said the first word of praise to God, we were already almost through with the praise and worship part of the service. We live high paced lives no doubt. It is our culture now in America. The pockets of time for God and family continue to be squeezed by little league practices that don’t respect Sunday and Wednesday church, and corporate vision that push us to our limit every week.
So why do we show up unprepared and unfocused for Sunday services yet we spend hours studying for tests or preparing for presentations for a job that won’t get us to Heaven?
Why do we go to bed early during the week so we can be fresh the next day yet we stay up late on Saturday and sleep thru half of the service?
Why do we allow our Sunday worship to sometimes be our only worship all week….and on top of that, we don’t even fully engage then?
Keep in mind this isn’t just our church but it is the church of America.
What could God do with a church that showed up early before service to get in the altar and touch the throne room before worship began?
What could God do with a church that spends time each day praying for their church, their Pastor, while seeking an understanding of how God wants to use them?
What could God do with a church that is so focused on Him that the world becomes the peripheral, placing God at center stage in their life?
Come prepared and expecting on Sunday and let’s find out!

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